Monday, February 25, 2008

Identity and Cultural Fatigue

I have been doing my homework for CAN 2011 and defining Canadian Identity.

There are several ways that one can define the identity: by the governmental organizations, political parties, the international relations with other nations, and the values that Canadian ingrains. In addition, the regional identity could be included too. For instance, Francophone and Anglophone is main thing; the Atlantic Canada is different from other parts of Canada. "Dialectic in Canada and developments out of the dialectic reveal an insistent force of interrelation among political decision making, social policy, religious faith, and erection of public institutions, concepts of public services, philosophical ideas of human meaning and description of individual’s relations to the community."

Much of Canada's history (economic and social structures) is influenced by the "powerful" sibling-hood country, the United States. Canadians embody both individualism and communitarian. I fee like the outcome is distinct in Canada's own cultural fatigue.

Speaking of the IDENTITY question, I quest for my Identity too. Burmese students abroad have great passion to share Burmese Politics and Anti-Governmental Spirit. Seriously, I HAD great fervor in politics and especially on Anti-government however, I sort of felt like people MIGHT not like it when you say it too much. I cannot find the answer why: maybe due to my approach, due to my surroundings (remember I switched into Science from Social Science) or due to me (sort of paranoia). So, for quite recently I have not been doing anything at all. This evening I came across the YAMC website. When I saw the youtube video "Inside Burma" Part 1 and "Inside Burma" Part 2, tears were streaming on my face.

However, people DO ask me about my country. My close friends and teachers who care about me. That time,
I take time and explain them about my country's situation carefully and if I don't know, I don't cheat; I just say I have not read the information you want to know and so on. So, basically, I want to share my country's situation in a more private personal relations rather than propagation.
I am afraid that people will always think of me as political animal. Part of it is because of the Facebook thing too. Facebook is a sort of dangerous site to propagate news. Therefore, I stopped using it and now I feel detached to some of my friends who are not on my gtalk list.

I am so much behind social science after all. What shall I do?

I am sorry if I said anything offensive. I did not mean to.


Ps. For political themes for Canadian Identity, I am facing difficulties because I don't understand the political system here.
Phew... studying Canadian history, I feel like it. However, my reading rate is so slow.

1 comment:

Nicholas Dubé said...

you raise some very interesting issues in this blog mimi...

regarding the specific question of people not being intersted in hearing about burma, people simply can't be up to date on all issues (especially not with the workload in university!) and so everyone chooses issues that are most important to them.

and, particualarly if someone does have a strong social conscience, i think they feel bad that they can't do more so they don't like to be told - even indirectly - that they don't care and know enough about a given issue.